Whether you’re looking for a handbag to go with your favorite dress for a special occasion or want something to go with jeans and a tee, you can find the perfect handbags from italy online. These bags range from classic leather shoulder bags to soft shopper styles that can hold lots of items, and you can get them made in Italy.
Italian brands are known for their elegance and timelessness, and their soft leather handbags are no exception. These bags are made with quality leather and the craftsmanship that Italians have applied for generations.
Iacobella, a Florentine company founded in 2019, was inspired by a trip to South America, where the designer saw indigenous people making the Colombian Mochila bag. This woven design is the inspiration for the line of leather handbags that Iacobella produces. The brand is also rooted in sustainability: each bag is made by upcycling unused leather scraps that would otherwise be thrown away. The result is a versatile, durable bag that you’ll love for years to come.
The upscale, modern style of Miuccia Prada’s fashion house is evident in its range of leather handbags, which are available in chic black or bright colors. The collection includes classic tote bags and clutches that are suitable for a variety of outfits, as well as backpacks and crossbody bags that can carry everything you need for your travels.
The capital city of Rome is home to many stores that sell high-end designer handbags, including LVMH-owned Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana. You can also visit the Scuola di Cuoio in Florence, which has a shop that offers leather goods, including the intrecciato weaving technique made famous by Bottega Veneta. handbags from italy online